Telangana Renewable Energy Development Corporation Ltd., (TGREDCO)
తెలంగాణ పునరుద్ధరణీయ ఇంధన వనరుల అభివృద్ధి సంస్థ లిమిటెడ్
(A State Government Company)
Concentrated-Solar Technology systems

Concentrated solar power (CSP) is used to produce electricity (sometimes called solar thermoelectricity, usually generated through steam). Concentrated-solar technology systems use mirrors or lenses with tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight onto a small area. Concentrated light is then used as heat or as a heat source for a conventional power plant (solar thermoelectricity).

At most places, the heat requirement in the form of steam/ pressurized hot water/air or oil is between 90 °C to 350 °C. Industry is one of the major consumers of such heat for various processes as mentioned in the table (Next Page)

Food processing and dairy Chilling/cold storage, cooking, extraction, baking, pasteurization, sterilization, bleaching, drying, etc.
Breweries Boiling, mashing, cold conditioning, fermentation, etc.
Rubber Heating, digestion, vulcanizing
Pulp and paper Pulping, digestion and washing, bleaching, evaporation and drying
Tobacco Steam conditioning, drying and softening
Electroplating Post plating treatment, water heating, drying, etc.
Pharmaceutical Distillation, drying, evapouration, fermentation, injection, and moulding
Textiles (spinning and weaving, finishing Preparing warps, sizing, de-sizing, scouring, bleaching, mercerizing, dyeing, drying, and finishing
Chemicals and fertilizers Distillation, effluent treatment, primary reforming, ammonia synthesis, CO2 removal, methanation, steam stripping
Refining Desalting, cooking, thermal cracking, cleaning, wastewater treatment
Ceramic tile and pottery Beneficiation, drying, presenter thermal processing, glazing
Desalination Multiple-effect distillation, multi-stage flash distillation
Others (Plaster of Paris, steel re-rolling, cement, mining) Augmenting steam to boilers, boiler feed water heating
S.No Beneficiary Manufacturer / System Details Application
1 Honeywell Tech. Solution, Hyderabad Thermax PTC (128) 821 sq.m Cooling 100 TR VAM
2 Synthocam Labs, Hyderabad (Drug manufacturers MWS (5 dishes each of 90 sq.m.) 450 sq.m. Processing of chemicals of preparation of medicines
3 Almond House, Hyderabad (making sweets) Urja Energy, Hyderabad 170 PTC each of 1.5 sq.m255 sq.m. Processing of sweets using thermic fluid through heat exchanger
4 M/s Unique Biotech Ltd., Hyderabad Paraboloid Dish (90 sqm),540sqm Process heat for manufacturing probiotics, enzymes, nutraceuticals
5 Police Training Centre, Karimnagar M/s K energy, Jodhpur 112 SqM (Single Axis Tracking) Steam generating systems for cooking Applications
6 Engineering Staff College of India Green Life Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Nagpur 120Sq.m Steam generating systems for cooking Applications
7 Devnar School for the Blind, Hyderabad Urja Energy, Hyderabad 36sq.m. Steam generating systems for cooking Applications
  • 30% of benchmark costs is available as subsidy from MNRE for systems based on various types of CSTs
  • In addition accelerated depreciation (80% in 1st year) is available to profit making bodies.
  • Eligibility: All are eligible.
1 Solar water heating systems 9,36,906 LPD
2 Solar photovoltaic street lighting systems 3675 Nos
3 Solar photovoltaic lanterns 11000 Nos
4 Solar rooftop PV projects 202.84 MW
5 Solar Off Grid projects 11.00 MW
Telangana Renewable Energy Development Corporation Ltd., (TGREDCO)

(A State Government. Company)

Regd. Office Cum Corporate Office: D.No. 6-2-910, Visvesvaraya Bhavan, The Institution of Engineers Building, Khairatabad, Hyderabad - 500 004. Telangana State, India

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